It’s been a crazy few days in Hong Kong, with us running around criss-crossing the city. We found ourselves mostly insides the shopping malls again, something that is apparently inherent to visiting cities like this. We did find the time to go to The Peak for some more amazing views – though we already have a pretty cool view from the hotel room, hence the previous picture taken by night. But all this running around got us thinking ‘is this really what we want’? We started this journey with the idea of having all the time in the world to see and experience places in our own time, and now we end up rushing in and out the hotel, having thirty minutes to go to the gym – yes we started going to the gym – and change to go to dinner.
I realize that this sounds as a luxury-problem – especially for the people that are at home living the daily work-life – but isn’t is it most important to be happy, whatever life you are living? This maybe starts to sound a little dramatic, but it got us to the point that we started thinking differently. When traveling is a lifestyle, it doesn’t mean visiting places is about ‘getting the most out of three days or a week’ like it does when you are on a holiday, it does mean that it is the subject of your daily life. Therefore it is really important to set some goals before you go, so you can still strive to something, for example: what would you like to learn on the way? This could be a language or a sport, or maybe even a traditional habit or religion of the country you are visiting. When traveling is a lifestyle, it is an opportunity to experience places to the fullest, so it’s really important to use that opportunity!
We did already do that in Thailand, hence all the delicious food we ate, fun bars we danced at with mostly locals and we even learned a little bit of the language. But after more than a month going from city to city and staying less then one week, we don’t have the satisfaction that we’re searching for. Also the persistent Southeast Asia monsoon season that is causing a lot of rain everywhere we can and want to go has set our minds on going a different way. Which means that we are trying to find a balance between traveling around and being in one place long enough to make it feel as our own. Weather-wise we are going to search for a place that has less rain or precipitation of any kind.
I would also take the blog onto a new level! How about food as a second subject? Or maybe fashion? Or maybe no second subject at all and just upgrade the travel stories for now? About the answers to all these questions, if you are the one holding the secret and you want to share it with me, for now you can use the comment box. Contact information is on the way, as well as an upgrade of the design of the blog J.
I still have some awesome pictures of Hong Kong, which I will share with you later on!
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