

You’ll probably wonder what this widget is about that popped up in the side bar… Well, I recently found out about Trover, which is a really cool, helpful and fun app for travelers! I read about it in this blog post, which got me excited enough to try it out myself. I created an account and though I haven’t had the time to share all my ‘discoveries’ yet, I’d really like to share it with you!

What is Trover exactly?
Basically it’s a platform where you can share photos of cool places and hidden gems, with an exact location (even adjust it on the map if you can’t find it via the search button) and add helpful tips. But it goes way deeper than that; besides sharing your own pictures you can browse through photos of others and create visual maps of where you’d like to go or where you’ve already been. It gives you the opportunity to not only feed your wanderlust by looking at beautiful photos, but also to plan your next trip with the help of the experiences of fellow travelers!

What do I like about it?
The app can help you to navigate easily through the vicinity and to find that hidden gem that’s at a walking distance from your current location. The bonus is that you can upload a photo with location on the spot, but also when you’re in your hotel room, or even all the way back home. And it is possible to do this on your computer as well, which makes it way easier to share all your photos regardless of whether these are on your computer or on your phone, without the hassle. The most fun part about it is that if your discovery is truly unique, it can be rewarded by the Trover team who place it on a featured list like ‘What’s Hot’ or ‘Discovery of the Day’. Or if you participate in one of their contests you can win some really cool prizes like Travel Bucks or gift cards.

Don’t wait any longer and create a Trover account of your own! You can find me here ☺. Have fun!

This blog post is written from my own enthusiasm about the product without any commercial intentions.

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